Monday, December 3, 2012

Week #16- End Of Semester Reflection


What have I learned regarding technology in education this semester:
  1. Power Point is not the only program on which to make a presentation; others include, Prezi, Smartboard, Flipsnack, etc.
  2. I can set up parent-teacher meetings using wikispaces.
  3. I can make videos using Animoto Video
  4. A person can find lesson plans on
  5. A teacher can have a class blog set up for the whole class, so parents to be involved in the class.
  6. Technology is greatly expanding and I need to accept that and grow with the changes.
  7. A person can write and illustrated children books on Storybird.
Before this class, I was not too familiar with technology.  I knew how to use Microsoft Word and Power Point, but I did not realize how useful technology could be.  I found so many different resources to use for my future classroom.  I realize I am a digital native but the generation below me is so familiar with technology because it is all around them.  I need to grasp technology and learn to use and teach it in my classroom someday because it is useful to students and their future.

What progress have I made on the NETS for Teachers that I focused on this semester:

Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity:

Teachers use their knowledge of subject matter, teaching and learning, and technology to facilitate experiences that advance student learning, creativity, and innovation in both face-to-face and virtual environments.
a. Promote, support, and model creative and innovative thinking and inventiveness
b. Engage students in exploring real-world issues and solving authentic problems using digital tools and resources
c. Promote student reflection using collaborative tools to reveal and clarify students’ conceptual understanding and thinking, planning, and creative processes
d. Model collaborative knowledge construction by engaging in learning with students, colleagues, and others in face-to-face and virtual environments.

I have learned may ways to inspire learning and creativity using technology.  I have learned that I can use technology to teach different subject and then take it a step further and show my students things using online databases to find new things and information in which they may have never known if it was not for technology.  I have learned how I can relate the learned information to the students real life at home and at school. I believe I have made big steps to be open minded towards technology and brace it with an open heart and mind for the sake of my future students and their success later in life.

Week #14

I found a lesson about the solar system and how the stars, moon,other planets effect the earth.  I think this lesson would be useful in the classroom when studying science and the purpose for the solar system.  I could use this lesson in my own class to have the students do a project on different planets and the shape, size, and distance away from the earth.  This would be an educational project for 3rd graders.  NETS that would apply would be:   


Creativity and Innovation

Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct
knowledge, and develop innovative products and
processes using technology.
a. Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas,
products, or processes
b. Create original works as a means of personal
or group expression
c. Use models and simulations to explore complex
systems and issues
d. Identify trends and forecast possibilities


Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning
and Creativity

Teachers use their knowledge of subject matter,
teaching and learning, and technology to facilitate
experiences that advance student learning,
creativity, and innovation in both face-to-face
and virtual environments.
a. Promote, support, and model creative
and innovative thinking and inventiveness
b. Engage students in exploring real-world issues
and solving authentic problems using digital tools
and resources
c. Promote student reflection using collaborative
tools to reveal and clarify students’ conceptual
understanding and thinking, planning, and
creative processes
d. Model collaborative knowledge construction by
engaging in learning with students, colleagues,
and others in face-to-face and virtual environments

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Reflection # 12

Last week, my music methods teacher took us to her elementary school where she teaches at.  She told us how all of the school's computers have viruses and there was really nothing they could do to fix it.  She could not even play a DVD because the virus would no tallow her to do so.  WE had to use one of my classmates computers to watch a short clip that she wanted us to see.  I do not know how the teachers were able to teach during that week because all of their power points and tools online that they would normally use to teach were all down because of the virus.  This just shows me as a teacher, someday, I need to ALWAYS have a back-up plan for my students, just in never know when technology may decide to let us down.

Blog Comments- Part 2

1. Sigrid-
2. Kendra-
3. Heather-
4. Heather-
5. Angie-
6. Trey-
7. Sarah-
9. Whitney-

Reflection # 11

In class on Tuesday,we explored Google earth.  I had forgotten to bring my laptop that day so I used my smartphone.  I was amazed that I could use my phone to look at Google earth.  The images were exactly the same as I would have seen on my laptop.  Technology is very advanced and I was shocked how much I could find from Google earth with my phone.  The pictures of buildings, cars, land, etc was very clear and persist.  However, I do think it is kind of scary how there is such technology that people can watch the whole earth at every moment and see exactly what is going on.  In a way, this technology may be too advanced for our own good?

Reflection # 10

In class on Tuesday  Sigrid said how our Geography professor talked about how someday technology will be so advanced that we will not have a teacher in front of the class teaching us but instead a visual imagine of a teacher.  I thought this idea seems way too futuristic and too advanced.  I think many problems could occur if we do not actually have teachers.  However, I could see how this idea would save money...but I do not think it is a good idea.

Reflection # 9

As I am babysitting, I am noticing how the 5 yer old I watch never wants to do anything but watch t.v.  I tell him it is time to go play outside, listen to music, read, play toys, etc it doesn't matter- he only likes to watch cartoons on t.v. If I turn off the t.v he get very made and throws a fit.  Kids spend way too much time watching t.v or on other forms of electronics.  Some people think this is good, but I think we are turning our children into zombies.

Reflection # 8

Yesterday in my Instructional Design class, one of my classmates was giving a presentation and somehow the power point was not displaying her slides.  People rely on technology for everything and when it does not work correctly, it is easy to freak out because it is all we know now days.  Luckily, my classmate had aback up plan and used her laptop to teach the lesson.  Otherwise, I do not know what she would have done since her lesson was so greatly based on the information from the power point slides.

Reflection # 7

My son who is 2.5 just recently started taking an interest to t.v.(even though I am not a fan of him watching tv)  He never really liked t.v much before until my parents started letting him watch it while I am at school.  He has only watched Mickey Mouse Clubhouse two times now but already he knows most of the intro song when it is first coming on. When we drive in the car together he has been singing the song.  This shows me how fast little kids learn and how attracted kids are to technology.  When I was my son's age I never watched t.v, so I am curious to see how technology will play into his life as he gets older.  

Week # 14

I found an article called "Why Integrate Technology into the Curriculum?: The Reasons Are Many." This article explained that overall education is valuable in the classroom.  It helps students learn better and it gives teacher unlimited options to teach. "Properly used, technology will help students acquire the skills they need to survive in a complex, highly technological knowledge-based economy."  Technology is an essential skill for all students to learn in order to be successful in this world.

Week # 13

Word- typing, spell check, tables and charts, bullets and numbered lists
Excel-Charts and rubrics
Power point-slideshow, pictures, different layouts with several types of backgrounds, uploading videos/pictures for slideshows

Three projects I could have my students do using Power Point, Excel and Word would be:

1. Make a power point about the life cycle of a animal, or plant using pictures and descriptions to teach classmates about the topic.

2. Have my students use excel to make a schedule of the books they have read over the month.

3. Type a two paragraph paper about why Microsoft Word is useful in learning.  

Week # 12

This article by Dr. Robert Marzano discussed issues related to technology and the Whiteboard. I found this article interesting because Dr. Marzano talks about how the reinforcement some teachers use when showing the correct answer such as clapping sounds, are actually more of a distraction than they are helpful.  Dr. Marzano said teachers need to explain to the students why the answer is correct, not just that the answer is right.

Week #11 Education Blog

This blog is very educational because Dane has many different topics on his blog including diversity, morality, class biases, feeling sorry for one's self.  His blog is very insightful to teachers since he does cover many different issues.  My comment contributed to community of learners because so many people forget that diversity is all around us and it is not an issue that we just accept.  It is a learned behavior that one must be taught. It is a very sensitive issue to some and we must never forget that we all different.  No two people are the same.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Week # 10

Taxonomy is known as the six levels of complexity.  The different level are known as stairs to the next level.  The highest level is the most creative way of thinking.  Bloom's Taxonomy can be related to technology because at first you may remember how to use it, then you can understand it's purpose, next you can apply it to your real life and start using it, then you can analyse different things using technology and then evaluate things, and finally you become creative with technology and can use it for almost anything.

The new terms are defined as:
  • Remembering: Retrieving, recognizing, and recalling relevant knowledge from long-term memory.
  • Understanding: Constructing meaning from oral, written, and graphic messages through interpreting, exemplifying, classifying, summarizing, inferring, comparing, and explaining.
  • Applying: Carrying out or using a procedure through executing, or implementing.
  • Analyzing: Breaking material into constituent parts, determining how the parts relate to one another and to an overall structure or purpose through differentiating, organizing, and attributing.
  • Evaluating: Making judgments based on criteria and standards through checking and critiquing.
  • Creating: Putting elements together to form a coherent or functional whole; reorganizing elements into a new pattern or structure through generating, planning, or producing.

Week # 9

After reading the article, Caught on Video, I realize that having technology in the classroom is very important.  I never realized how much a teacher could use technology in a classroom.  I liked the idea of recording a student and then referring to the video during student/ teacher conferences rather than trying to retell all the information to the parent. I also liked the idea about filming your own reflection on what happened during the day and emailing it to the parents.  I think this is something I would like to do as a teacher someday   That way the parents will feel more involved with what is going on inside of the classroom.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Final Project

The Christmas Project is for 3rd graders at a private Christian school.  The students are doing this because it is important for them to know the real meaning of Christmas and why we celebrate this holiday.  
The students will research about the birth of baby Jesus, how His birth influenced Christmas, and gift giving and why do we celebrate this holiday.
Students will then write the story about what it would have been like if they would have been there during the birth of baby Jesus.

Tech tools used:
1. Flip snack- used for writing the story
2. internet- used for researching

1. Communication:
The student uses listening and observation skills and strategies to gain understanding
2. Writing:
The student writes clearly and effectively.

Record music and voice >>

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Week # 8- Twitter

After spending some time on Twitter, I have come to learn that it is actually a very beneficial source of communication.  It allows people to share their knowledge and insight with others.  I used to think it was a place for one to follow Justin Bieber or Hollywood people to brag about what they just did, but now I see that it doesn't have to be about that kind of stuff. It is useful because teachers can find lesson plans and ideas for class management. Also, it can help be a way for teacher's or even parents to relief stress by expressing their thoughts, concerns, and frustration, and then having other's comment and offer up support and advice to help.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Reflection # 6

My boyfriend was suppose to meet me at a restaurant, however, he got there before I did, so he was waiting in his car for me to get there.  While he was waiting, a lady walked up to his car and opened the back driver side door and set a bag in his car.  She quickly realized that she had the wrong car.  However, she was talking on her phone and did not even realize it until she set her bag in his car.  She apologized and i am sure felt extremely ridiculous.  Later, my boyfriend told me the story and he and I got a huge laugh out of it.  He agreed that when people are talking on the phone they easily get distracted and do not pay attention to whats really going on around them. 

Reflection # 5

There is a bus stop right in front of my house for the elementary and middle school kids.  I noticed that so many of these young kids have their very own cell phones...even the elementary kids!  What shocked me the most was I saw a little kid who looked to be a kindergartner which means he would have been about 5 or 6 years old.  This little boy was not even paying attention as he was walking home off the bus.  He was so zoned out on his cell phone.  I didn't get my first phone till I was 16 years old and driving...and here this little boy who is so very young already had his own phone and was texting so much that he was completely unaware of his current surroundings.  In a way, young kids having their own phones can be dangerous because if most kids are texting a lot like this little boy was, kids could easily get kidnapped or even run over because they are not paying attention.

Reflection # 4

Technology is amazing when it works properly.  However, when it does not work how or when it is suppose to, it can be rather frustrating.  During worship at church on Sunday, I noticed how the lyrics to the songs were always off.  The lyrics were at least one to tow pages off each time...which this was bad because new people may not know the words to the songs.  I talked to the media people after church and they said the computer was acting up that day and being very slow.  Most times technology does not fail us...but when it does, its hard to function because we rely so strongly on it. 

Reflection # 3

My phone that I have now is very old and out of date.  I decided to keep up with the new technology that I would get a new phone which happens to be a touchscreen smart phone...I am a little nervous because I have never used a touch screen before.  I made this decision to get a new phone because I realized that if I want to be a teacher I need to have an understanding of how to use technology and I need to keep up to date with it that way my future students someday will not have to teach me how.  I want to be prepared and ready to face the new and improving technology that comes my way this is my start! 

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Blog comments

1. Whitney-
2. Bethany-
3. Sigrid-
4. Sigrid-
6. Trey-
7. Angie-
8. Kendra-
9. Heather-

Reflection # 2

I nanny a four-year old boy.  Today when I got to his house he was playing on his mom's iPad   At first, I didn't think he should be playing on it because he is too young but then his mom told me she lets him play on it because it has several educational apps on it that help teach him.  This is wonderful because after he got done playing, he told me some cute facts that he just learned.  Therefore, I can see first hand how technology helps teach young people today.

Week 7- Blogs for educators

I looked at Mr. Avery's blog.  I thought it was very interesting all the different ways that technology enhances  learning for math.  Using a blog makes learning and teaching math more fun, creative, and overall interesting and enjoyable.  I liked how Mr. Avery has interesting facts about his classes field trip to Yellowstone National Park.  I think this would be a great way to list math facts and have students solve the math problems using their own blogs.

Animoto video

Make your own slideshow at Animoto.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Reflection #1

I was standing in line at Chipotle yesterday and there was a long line of people ahead of me and behind me.  I noticed that atleast 3/4 of the people were either talking on their cell phones while waiting in line or else texting.  Just a few years ago this would not have been the case.  In the past people would talk to others around them and strike up a conversation even if it was only small talk.  Now days, we are losing the ability to small talk with those around us that we do not know.  I am scared to see what will happen in 10-15 years from now...will we be such robots that we do not pay attention to the world around us, except to the digital device thats in our hand or right in front of us?

Week 6- Generation IM Article

The "Generation IM" article is very interesting.  It amazes me how even young children spend so much time on digital devices outside of school.  "Young people spend about 6.5 hours a day outside of school using media. That’s more than 44 hours a week reading, surfing the Internet, playing video games, listening to music, and watching TV. And more than a quarter of the time, kids were “media multi-tasking.”   The article also says that 67 % of preschoolers use the computer.

"While fears of online predators and cyber bullying have made many adults wary, the National Association for the Education of Young Children’s Web site states that “despite the potential known and unknown dangers of going online, this technology can be useful to develop literacy, cognitive, and social skills.” I do not neccessarly agree that using technology helps one develope literacy, cognitive and social skills.  If anything, I think it does the exact opposite.  I think people lose the knowledge and ability to use social skills from always being on a digital device. 

You could use this article in a science lesson by having your students keep track of how many hours a week they are on some sort of digital device and then compare that amount of time to that of their parents.  From there you could have your students investigate their technology skills and compare theirs to their parents or grandparents, since this generation of students are digital natives and the older generations are digital immagrants.

Week 5- Promethean ActivBoard

The Promethean ActivBoard is very similar to the smart board.  Like the smart board, the promethean activboard has many different features such as a touch screen, digital sounds, it can show pictures, moving objects, etc.  It has an impact on learning because it better engages studnets and draws their attention in with it's amazing features.  Unlike a white board, with the promethean activboard you don’t use dry erase markers on it. You can see it is much more, it is a PC, a VCR, a flipchart, a PowerPoint, a DVD player, an interactive lesson with your students, a center during class, the Internet, a TV for special events and more. An ActivBoard can be attached to a PC, either a laptop or a desktop running ActivStudio Professional or ActivPrimary for Elementary Schools K-2. Also standard with our ActivBoards are speakers with an Amplifier and a DVD/VCR. Along the line we will be adding a document camera, but you can also attach an ELMO and other devices to the ActivBoard.

I think the promethean activboard board sounds very amazing.  However, I am wondering if the promethean activboard is better than the smart board?  The smart board is very user friendly, however, I do not know how the promethean activboard is to use for teachers and students.

Week 4- Smart Board

I really liked learing how to use the smart board.  I have a great respect for technology and how it has progressed over the years.  I learned that the smart board is very handy for teaching.  A person can use the smart board to teach any subject and there are lots of different features a teacher could use to enhance their lesson.  I would like to play around using the white board again just to further my experience with it, however, at this point I would feel comfortable enough to teach using it.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Assignment # 2

Listed below is a link to my lesson plan:

The smartboart features that I used are: Sound, moving hands clapping/video, and interactive games.



Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity

Teachers use their knowledge of subject matter, teaching and learning, and technology to facilitate experiences that advance student learning, creativity, and innovation in both face-to-face and virtual environments.
a. Promote, support, and model creative and innovative thinking and inventiveness
b. Engage students in exploring real-world issues and solving authentic problems using digital tools and resources
c. Promote student reflection using collaborative tools to reveal and clarify students’ conceptual understanding and thinking, planning, and creative processes
d. Model collaborative knowledge construction by engaging in learning with students, colleagues, and others in face-to-face and virtual environments

*This lesson meets the criteria for this NET for teachers because I am using my knowledge to teach my students face-to-face in an environmetn that encourages learning.  I am using technology to enhance my teaching.  The students will be and resources as they get involved in my lesson.


Creativity and Innovation

Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes using technology.
a. Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes
b. Create original works as a means of personal or group expression
c. Use models and simulations to explore complex systems and issues
d. Identify trends and forecast possibilities

*This lesson meets this NET for students because I am helping my students think outside the box and encouraging deeper thinking with the help of technology.  The students use their prior knowledge to take their thinking skills to the next level.  The students will then model their behavior with a fun nongraded activity/game.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Week # 1

I first realized I wanted to become a teacher when I took a job working as an assistant preschool teacher.  I was excited to see what kind of an impact I could make on these children's lives, but instead it was the children who had made the impact on me.  They taught me so much and made me realize that the love I had in my hearts for kids was a God-given gift.  I believe that children are vitally important to society in every aspect, so therefore it is the current generation's job to do our best to ensure we nurture and raise the next generation up to the best of our ability.  I do not know a lot about technology but I am excited to learn more so I can teach my future students and incorporate technology in my everyday lessons.  I am comfortable with using computers and looking up info online...but of course I am a work in progress and in need of learning more! 

Week 3- Digital Natives Digital Immigrants by Marc Prensky (Article)

This article was very interesting to me because 'older' teachers are not usually very familiar with education.  Now days, students rely on technology for everything.  Therefore, teachers need to be able to understand technology, so they can not only better teach their students but also communicate on the same page as their students.  "Today's teachers have to learn to communicate in the language and style of their students."  This is very true otherwise there the teacher will not fully be able to get through to the students.  I found it very interesting how Marc Prensky said students spend 5,000 hours reading but about 10,000 hours playing video games and a near 20,000 texting, emailing, online, playing computer games, etc.  Technology is taking over the education system and teachers need to get on board and learn how to use technology because it's the only way to teach the new generation of 'digital natives'. 

School Demographics- Assignment # 1

* This assignment does not contain all real information.  Some of it is made up for the purpose of the learning assignment.
                                                             Mock school demographics

            I teach a 3rd grade class at Nautilus Elementary school in Federal Way.  I have 26 students in my classroom; 12 boys and 14 girls.  I have two mothers that come in two days a week to help me for a 2-4hours a day.  My classroom has 4 computers in the back for the students to use.  In addition, every Thursday I take my students to the computer lab where they each get to go on a computer for an hour and get online.  I have an overhead projector in my classroom; however, the Federal Way School District is upgrading their technology program, which will provide each student a computer to use during school hours.  It is the Federal Way School District's belief that it is important for the student’s success in life if they have some source of technology that the student can use in class.
            Nautilus Elementary is located in Federal Way, WA.  It has an enrollment of 463 students.  It is located in a suburban area.  47.5% of the students at Nautilus Elementary School are on free and reduced lunch.  The population is very diverse:  
American Indian/Alaskan Native
Pacific Islander
Asian/Pacific Islander
Two or More Races

I only have one student whom English is a second language to him.  This is his first year in American.  He came from Sudan and is now learning English.   Also, I have one autistic Studnet in my classroom; however I have a special helper for him.  He is pulled out of my class for half of the day to receive help.  I have three gifted students who are above average learning.  Nautilus Elementary School focus's on making sure all students have the best education possible.  Our school principal ensures parents that together Nautilus has a wonderful staff and all do their best in contacting parents to make sure they are aware of what is going on in their students’ life while they are at school.  Nautilus's school community is involved with one another and throughout the school year, there are several events to bring the student and their family together for a "time of fun and educational experience."
            As I mentioned above, two of my student's mothers come help out in my classroom.  Both mothers come to help at least two days a week.  While they are here they help with making copies of lessons for me, reading to the kids in small groups as well as helping me with my science and math lessons.    In addition to my parents, I also have the 5th graders that come into my class every other Friday for an hour.  Each 5th grader has a “buddy” with one of my students and they take turns reading to each other aloud.  Even thought the majority of my parents are not able to physically come into the classroom to help out, they are very generous with helping donate items for the classroom such as tissues. 
            Listed below are all the power based standards that the OSPI and my school district expect the 3rd graders to be at for each subject matter:
PS 1 Apply vocabulary strategies in grade-level text.
PS 2 Understand and apply content/academic vocabulary critical to the meaning of the text.
PS 3 Apply comprehension monitoring strategies before, during, and after reading: determine importance using theme, main idea, and
supporting details in informational/expository text and/or literary/narrative text.
PS 4 Apply comprehension strategies before, during, and after reading: predict and infer from grade-level informational/expository text
and/or literary/narrative text.
PS 5 Apply comprehension monitoring strategies during and after reading: summarize grade level informational and literary text.
PS 6 Understand sequence in informational/expository text and literary/narrative text.
PS 7 Apply knowledge of printed and electronic text features to locate and comprehend text.
PS 8 Understand story elements.
PS 9 Understand and analyze the relationship between and among literary/narrative text and informational/expository text.
PS 10 Understand how to draw conclusions and give a response to literary/narrative text and informational/expository text.
PS 11 Understand the author’s purpose for and style of writing in both informational/expository text and literary/narrative text.
PS 1 The student understands and uses the writing process.
PS 2 Uses a variety of forms and genres.
PS 3 Analyzes ideas, selects topic, adds details and elaborates.
PS 4 Organizes writing with a beginning, middle, and ending.
PS 5 Writes with voice.
PS 6 Uses language appropriate for a specific audience and purpose.
PS 7 Knows and applies appropriate grade level writing conventions.


PS 1 Read, write, compare, order, and represent numbers to 10,000 using numbers, words, and symbols.
PS 2 Fluently and accurately add and subtract whole numbers using the standard regrouping algorithms.
PS 3 Estimate sums and differences to approximate solutions to problems and determine reasonableness of answers.
PS 4 Represent multiplication as repeated addition, arrays, counting by multiples, and equal jumps on the number line, and connect each
representation to the related equation.
PS 5 Represent division as equal sharing, repeated subtraction, equal jumps on the number line, and formation of equal groups of objects,
and connect each representation to the related equation.
PS 6 Determine products, quotients, and missing factors using the inverse relationship between multiplication and division.
PS 7 Apply and explain strategies to compute multiplication facts to 10 x 10 and the related division facts.
PS 8 Represent fractions that have denominators of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, and 12 as parts of a whole, parts of a set, and points on the
number line.
PS 9 Compare and order fractions that have denominators of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, and 12.
PS 10 Measure and calculate perimeters of quadrilaterals.
PS 11 Determine whether two expressions are equal and use “=” to denote equality.
PS 12 Estimate, measure, and compare weight and mass using appropriate-sized U.S. customary and metric units.
PS 13 Estimate, measure, and compare capacity using appropriate-sized U.S. customary and metric units.
PS 14 Construct and analyze pictographs, frequency tables, line plots, and bar graphs.
PS 15 Determine the question(s) to be answered given a problem situation and select and use one or more appropriate strategies to
solve a problem.


PS 1 A whole object, plant, or animal may not continue to function the same way if some of its parts are missing.
PS 2 Some objects need to have their parts connected in a certain way if they are to function as a whole.
PS 3 A scientific investigation may include making and following a plan to accurately observe and describe objects, events, and organisms;
make and record measurements, and predict outcomes.
PS 4 Inferences are based on observations.
PS 5 Model: Models are useful for understanding systems that are too big, too small, or too dangerous to study directly.
PS 6 Simple problems can be solved through a technological design process that includes: defining the problem, gathering information,
exploring ideas, making a plan, testing possible solutions to see which is best, and communicating the results.
PS 7 There is always a force involved when something starts moving or changes its speed or direction of motion.
PS 8 Heat, light, motion, electricity, and sound are all forms of energy.
PS 9 Water plays an essential role in Earth systems, including shaping landforms.
PS 10 Plants have life cycles that include sprouting, growing to full size, forming fruits and flowers, shedding seeds (which begins a new
cycle), and eventually dying. The details of the life cycle are different for different plants.
PS 11 Humans impact ecosystems in both positive and negative ways. Humans can help improve the health of ecosystems so that they
provide habitats for plants and animals and resources for humans over the long term. For example, if people use fewer resources
and recycle waste, there will be fewer negative impacts on natural systems.
PS 12 The offspring of a plant or animal closely resembles its parents, but close inspection reveals differences.

Social Studies:

PS 1 Understands and applies the key ideals of unity and diversity within the context of the community.
PS 2 Understands and applies how maps and globes are used to display (show) the regions of North America in the past and present.
PS 3 Understands how the environment affects cultural groups and how cultural groups affect the environment.
PS 4 Understands how contributions made by various cultural groups have shaped the history of the community and world.
PS 5 Use a graphic organizer to organize main ideas and supporting details from visuals and literary, narrative, informational, and
expository texts.
PS 6 Draws conclusions using at least two clear, specific, and accurate examples in a paper or presentation.
PS 7 Prepares a list of resources, including the title and author for each source.

Health and Fitness:

PS 1 Applies locomotor and non-locomotor skills in traditional and non-traditional activities that contribute to movement proficiency.
PS 2 Applies manipulative skills in traditional and non-traditional activities that contribute to movement proficiency.
PS 3 Applies balance and rhythmic skills in traditional and non-traditional activities that contribute to movement proficiency.
PS 4 Applies movement concepts and understands strategies for participation in physical activities.
PS 5 Applies safety rules and procedures and applies social skills in a variety of physical activities.
PS 6 Applies components of health-related fitness.
PS 7 Understands how the body’s function and composition are affected by food consumption.
PS 8 Understands daily health and fitness habits and applies goals for improvement.
PS 9 Understands stages of growth and development.
PS 10 Understands positive and negative effects of stress and stress management techniques.

General Music:

PS 1 Singing, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music.
PS 2 Composing and arranging within specified guidelines.
PS 3 Reading and notating music.
PS 4 Listening to, analyzing, and describing music.

3rd Grade


Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Class blog links

Bethany's blog  Monica' Adair's blog Whitney's blog Sigrid's blog Kendra's blog Amanda's blog Heather's blog Angie's blog

Week # 2- Sir Ken Robinson & In Class Assignment on NETS

I really enjoyed watching Sir Ken Robinson's talk about revolutionizing education. Our children are the next generation and their education matters. We cannot sweep them under the rug and expect them to fend for themselves. Our world operates off of diversity. Every person is given different talents and dreams. Most people do not know what their true talents are. "Very many people go through their whole lives having no real sense of what their talents may be, or if they have any to speak of.” -Sir Ken Robinson If we can educate children in a way that they are excited to learn and discover their real talent, our world will ultimately function better.


-Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity

Teachers use their knowledge of subject matter, teaching and learning, and technology to facilitate experiences that advance student learning, creativity, and innovation in both face-to-face and virtual environments.
a. Promote, support, and model creative and innovative thinking and inventiveness
b. Engage students in exploring real-world issues and solving authentic problems using digital tools and resources
c. Promote student reflection using collaborative tools to reveal and clarify students’ conceptual understanding and thinking, planning, and creative processes
d. Model collaborative knowledge construction by engaging in learning with students, colleagues, and others in face-to-face and virtual environments

- Creativity and Innovation

Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes using technology.
a. Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes
b. Create original works as a means of personal or group expression
c. Use models and simulations to explore complex systems and issues
d. Identify trends and forecast possibilities
*Both of these NETS are important to education because students need inspiration to think outside the box and creatively.  And teachers need to focus on teaching their students in a way that that encourorates technology and face to face learning.