Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Week # 1

I first realized I wanted to become a teacher when I took a job working as an assistant preschool teacher.  I was excited to see what kind of an impact I could make on these children's lives, but instead it was the children who had made the impact on me.  They taught me so much and made me realize that the love I had in my hearts for kids was a God-given gift.  I believe that children are vitally important to society in every aspect, so therefore it is the current generation's job to do our best to ensure we nurture and raise the next generation up to the best of our ability.  I do not know a lot about technology but I am excited to learn more so I can teach my future students and incorporate technology in my everyday lessons.  I am comfortable with using computers and looking up info online...but of course I am a work in progress and in need of learning more! 

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