Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Reflection # 2

I nanny a four-year old boy.  Today when I got to his house he was playing on his mom's iPad   At first, I didn't think he should be playing on it because he is too young but then his mom told me she lets him play on it because it has several educational apps on it that help teach him.  This is wonderful because after he got done playing, he told me some cute facts that he just learned.  Therefore, I can see first hand how technology helps teach young people today.


  1. I believe that there is a balance that must be applied when it comes to children learning through technology. While it is important for them to become accustomed to utilizing technology, parents and teachers must reinforce that technology should not be relied upon as the only source for learning. In many cases, experience is a far more effective educator than Ipad applications and they may be less exposed if constantly learning through this technology. On the other hand, this form of learning seems readily available within the household and allows for continuous learning.

  2. They girls I nanny have to read for half an hour each day. They are usually not excited about this and forget it is something they have to do every single day. Their parents have downloaded book for them to read on their ipad and for some reason this is the only way they will actually get excited about reading. It's funny to me how reading on the ipad seems fun to them but reading an actual book feels like homework.
