Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Week # 8- Twitter

After spending some time on Twitter, I have come to learn that it is actually a very beneficial source of communication.  It allows people to share their knowledge and insight with others.  I used to think it was a place for one to follow Justin Bieber or Hollywood people to brag about what they just did, but now I see that it doesn't have to be about that kind of stuff. It is useful because teachers can find lesson plans and ideas for class management. Also, it can help be a way for teacher's or even parents to relief stress by expressing their thoughts, concerns, and frustration, and then having other's comment and offer up support and advice to help.

1 comment:

  1. I agree. Before this class, I had never really given much thought to Twitter and how it could be used in a more academic setting and as a way to share educational information.
