Monday, October 15, 2012

Reflection # 3

My phone that I have now is very old and out of date.  I decided to keep up with the new technology that I would get a new phone which happens to be a touchscreen smart phone...I am a little nervous because I have never used a touch screen before.  I made this decision to get a new phone because I realized that if I want to be a teacher I need to have an understanding of how to use technology and I need to keep up to date with it that way my future students someday will not have to teach me how.  I want to be prepared and ready to face the new and improving technology that comes my way this is my start! 

1 comment:

  1. What a great reason to update your phone! I think it's great that you are so aware and in charge of your learning. I think it will be important to be on top of the technology that our students will be exposed to.
