Thursday, November 29, 2012

Reflection # 12

Last week, my music methods teacher took us to her elementary school where she teaches at.  She told us how all of the school's computers have viruses and there was really nothing they could do to fix it.  She could not even play a DVD because the virus would no tallow her to do so.  WE had to use one of my classmates computers to watch a short clip that she wanted us to see.  I do not know how the teachers were able to teach during that week because all of their power points and tools online that they would normally use to teach were all down because of the virus.  This just shows me as a teacher, someday, I need to ALWAYS have a back-up plan for my students, just in never know when technology may decide to let us down.


  1. Wow that is crazy. I bet the teachers were having a hard time. I wonder if there are preventative things you can do to protect your technology from viruses.

  2. I wonder if most teachers actually come to class with a back up plan or if they just think it up on the fly.

  3. I've seen this happen to so many of my teachers. It is a good idea to always have a back up plan, but I tend to think that most of the time they think up an alternative assignment on the spot. Just goes to show that you can't always rely on technology.

  4. Any lesson that you plan could go wrong whether you use a lot of technology or not. This means as teachers we are always going to need a plan B and a go with the flow attitude! It is a good thing to remember that we cannot always rely on technology and we may need to be flexible!
