Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Week 3- Digital Natives Digital Immigrants by Marc Prensky (Article)

This article was very interesting to me because 'older' teachers are not usually very familiar with education.  Now days, students rely on technology for everything.  Therefore, teachers need to be able to understand technology, so they can not only better teach their students but also communicate on the same page as their students.  "Today's teachers have to learn to communicate in the language and style of their students."  This is very true otherwise there the teacher will not fully be able to get through to the students.  I found it very interesting how Marc Prensky said students spend 5,000 hours reading but about 10,000 hours playing video games and a near 20,000 texting, emailing, online, playing computer games, etc.  Technology is taking over the education system and teachers need to get on board and learn how to use technology because it's the only way to teach the new generation of 'digital natives'. 

1 comment:

  1. I also thought it was interesting how little students read compared to the time they spend using technology. Do you think we should try to encourage children to spend more of their time doing activities that do not include technology or do you think we should embrace these things as not as important now that technology is so big in our world?
