Tuesday, September 11, 2012

School Demographics- Assignment # 1

* This assignment does not contain all real information.  Some of it is made up for the purpose of the learning assignment.
                                                             Mock school demographics

            I teach a 3rd grade class at Nautilus Elementary school in Federal Way.  I have 26 students in my classroom; 12 boys and 14 girls.  I have two mothers that come in two days a week to help me for a 2-4hours a day.  My classroom has 4 computers in the back for the students to use.  In addition, every Thursday I take my students to the computer lab where they each get to go on a computer for an hour and get online.  I have an overhead projector in my classroom; however, the Federal Way School District is upgrading their technology program, which will provide each student a computer to use during school hours.  It is the Federal Way School District's belief that it is important for the student’s success in life if they have some source of technology that the student can use in class.
            Nautilus Elementary is located in Federal Way, WA.  It has an enrollment of 463 students.  It is located in a suburban area.  47.5% of the students at Nautilus Elementary School are on free and reduced lunch.  The population is very diverse:  
American Indian/Alaskan Native
Pacific Islander
Asian/Pacific Islander
Two or More Races

I only have one student whom English is a second language to him.  This is his first year in American.  He came from Sudan and is now learning English.   Also, I have one autistic Studnet in my classroom; however I have a special helper for him.  He is pulled out of my class for half of the day to receive help.  I have three gifted students who are above average learning.  Nautilus Elementary School focus's on making sure all students have the best education possible.  Our school principal ensures parents that together Nautilus has a wonderful staff and all do their best in contacting parents to make sure they are aware of what is going on in their students’ life while they are at school.  Nautilus's school community is involved with one another and throughout the school year, there are several events to bring the student and their family together for a "time of fun and educational experience."
            As I mentioned above, two of my student's mothers come help out in my classroom.  Both mothers come to help at least two days a week.  While they are here they help with making copies of lessons for me, reading to the kids in small groups as well as helping me with my science and math lessons.    In addition to my parents, I also have the 5th graders that come into my class every other Friday for an hour.  Each 5th grader has a “buddy” with one of my students and they take turns reading to each other aloud.  Even thought the majority of my parents are not able to physically come into the classroom to help out, they are very generous with helping donate items for the classroom such as tissues. 
            Listed below are all the power based standards that the OSPI and my school district expect the 3rd graders to be at for each subject matter:
PS 1 Apply vocabulary strategies in grade-level text.
PS 2 Understand and apply content/academic vocabulary critical to the meaning of the text.
PS 3 Apply comprehension monitoring strategies before, during, and after reading: determine importance using theme, main idea, and
supporting details in informational/expository text and/or literary/narrative text.
PS 4 Apply comprehension strategies before, during, and after reading: predict and infer from grade-level informational/expository text
and/or literary/narrative text.
PS 5 Apply comprehension monitoring strategies during and after reading: summarize grade level informational and literary text.
PS 6 Understand sequence in informational/expository text and literary/narrative text.
PS 7 Apply knowledge of printed and electronic text features to locate and comprehend text.
PS 8 Understand story elements.
PS 9 Understand and analyze the relationship between and among literary/narrative text and informational/expository text.
PS 10 Understand how to draw conclusions and give a response to literary/narrative text and informational/expository text.
PS 11 Understand the author’s purpose for and style of writing in both informational/expository text and literary/narrative text.
PS 1 The student understands and uses the writing process.
PS 2 Uses a variety of forms and genres.
PS 3 Analyzes ideas, selects topic, adds details and elaborates.
PS 4 Organizes writing with a beginning, middle, and ending.
PS 5 Writes with voice.
PS 6 Uses language appropriate for a specific audience and purpose.
PS 7 Knows and applies appropriate grade level writing conventions.


PS 1 Read, write, compare, order, and represent numbers to 10,000 using numbers, words, and symbols.
PS 2 Fluently and accurately add and subtract whole numbers using the standard regrouping algorithms.
PS 3 Estimate sums and differences to approximate solutions to problems and determine reasonableness of answers.
PS 4 Represent multiplication as repeated addition, arrays, counting by multiples, and equal jumps on the number line, and connect each
representation to the related equation.
PS 5 Represent division as equal sharing, repeated subtraction, equal jumps on the number line, and formation of equal groups of objects,
and connect each representation to the related equation.
PS 6 Determine products, quotients, and missing factors using the inverse relationship between multiplication and division.
PS 7 Apply and explain strategies to compute multiplication facts to 10 x 10 and the related division facts.
PS 8 Represent fractions that have denominators of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, and 12 as parts of a whole, parts of a set, and points on the
number line.
PS 9 Compare and order fractions that have denominators of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, and 12.
PS 10 Measure and calculate perimeters of quadrilaterals.
PS 11 Determine whether two expressions are equal and use “=” to denote equality.
PS 12 Estimate, measure, and compare weight and mass using appropriate-sized U.S. customary and metric units.
PS 13 Estimate, measure, and compare capacity using appropriate-sized U.S. customary and metric units.
PS 14 Construct and analyze pictographs, frequency tables, line plots, and bar graphs.
PS 15 Determine the question(s) to be answered given a problem situation and select and use one or more appropriate strategies to
solve a problem.


PS 1 A whole object, plant, or animal may not continue to function the same way if some of its parts are missing.
PS 2 Some objects need to have their parts connected in a certain way if they are to function as a whole.
PS 3 A scientific investigation may include making and following a plan to accurately observe and describe objects, events, and organisms;
make and record measurements, and predict outcomes.
PS 4 Inferences are based on observations.
PS 5 Model: Models are useful for understanding systems that are too big, too small, or too dangerous to study directly.
PS 6 Simple problems can be solved through a technological design process that includes: defining the problem, gathering information,
exploring ideas, making a plan, testing possible solutions to see which is best, and communicating the results.
PS 7 There is always a force involved when something starts moving or changes its speed or direction of motion.
PS 8 Heat, light, motion, electricity, and sound are all forms of energy.
PS 9 Water plays an essential role in Earth systems, including shaping landforms.
PS 10 Plants have life cycles that include sprouting, growing to full size, forming fruits and flowers, shedding seeds (which begins a new
cycle), and eventually dying. The details of the life cycle are different for different plants.
PS 11 Humans impact ecosystems in both positive and negative ways. Humans can help improve the health of ecosystems so that they
provide habitats for plants and animals and resources for humans over the long term. For example, if people use fewer resources
and recycle waste, there will be fewer negative impacts on natural systems.
PS 12 The offspring of a plant or animal closely resembles its parents, but close inspection reveals differences.

Social Studies:

PS 1 Understands and applies the key ideals of unity and diversity within the context of the community.
PS 2 Understands and applies how maps and globes are used to display (show) the regions of North America in the past and present.
PS 3 Understands how the environment affects cultural groups and how cultural groups affect the environment.
PS 4 Understands how contributions made by various cultural groups have shaped the history of the community and world.
PS 5 Use a graphic organizer to organize main ideas and supporting details from visuals and literary, narrative, informational, and
expository texts.
PS 6 Draws conclusions using at least two clear, specific, and accurate examples in a paper or presentation.
PS 7 Prepares a list of resources, including the title and author for each source.

Health and Fitness:

PS 1 Applies locomotor and non-locomotor skills in traditional and non-traditional activities that contribute to movement proficiency.
PS 2 Applies manipulative skills in traditional and non-traditional activities that contribute to movement proficiency.
PS 3 Applies balance and rhythmic skills in traditional and non-traditional activities that contribute to movement proficiency.
PS 4 Applies movement concepts and understands strategies for participation in physical activities.
PS 5 Applies safety rules and procedures and applies social skills in a variety of physical activities.
PS 6 Applies components of health-related fitness.
PS 7 Understands how the body’s function and composition are affected by food consumption.
PS 8 Understands daily health and fitness habits and applies goals for improvement.
PS 9 Understands stages of growth and development.
PS 10 Understands positive and negative effects of stress and stress management techniques.

General Music:

PS 1 Singing, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music.
PS 2 Composing and arranging within specified guidelines.
PS 3 Reading and notating music.
PS 4 Listening to, analyzing, and describing music.

3rd Grade


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