Monday, October 15, 2012

Reflection # 5

There is a bus stop right in front of my house for the elementary and middle school kids.  I noticed that so many of these young kids have their very own cell phones...even the elementary kids!  What shocked me the most was I saw a little kid who looked to be a kindergartner which means he would have been about 5 or 6 years old.  This little boy was not even paying attention as he was walking home off the bus.  He was so zoned out on his cell phone.  I didn't get my first phone till I was 16 years old and driving...and here this little boy who is so very young already had his own phone and was texting so much that he was completely unaware of his current surroundings.  In a way, young kids having their own phones can be dangerous because if most kids are texting a lot like this little boy was, kids could easily get kidnapped or even run over because they are not paying attention.

1 comment:

  1. I know how you feel because when I see that, I feel the same way. However, we feel this way because times have changed since we were Kindergartners and now it is hard for us to accept that having cell phones at a young age is normal. It is crazy but its real and we have to learn to teach students that way. Great post!
