Thursday, November 29, 2012

Reflection # 12

Last week, my music methods teacher took us to her elementary school where she teaches at.  She told us how all of the school's computers have viruses and there was really nothing they could do to fix it.  She could not even play a DVD because the virus would no tallow her to do so.  WE had to use one of my classmates computers to watch a short clip that she wanted us to see.  I do not know how the teachers were able to teach during that week because all of their power points and tools online that they would normally use to teach were all down because of the virus.  This just shows me as a teacher, someday, I need to ALWAYS have a back-up plan for my students, just in never know when technology may decide to let us down.

Blog Comments- Part 2

1. Sigrid-
2. Kendra-
3. Heather-
4. Heather-
5. Angie-
6. Trey-
7. Sarah-
9. Whitney-

Reflection # 11

In class on Tuesday,we explored Google earth.  I had forgotten to bring my laptop that day so I used my smartphone.  I was amazed that I could use my phone to look at Google earth.  The images were exactly the same as I would have seen on my laptop.  Technology is very advanced and I was shocked how much I could find from Google earth with my phone.  The pictures of buildings, cars, land, etc was very clear and persist.  However, I do think it is kind of scary how there is such technology that people can watch the whole earth at every moment and see exactly what is going on.  In a way, this technology may be too advanced for our own good?

Reflection # 10

In class on Tuesday  Sigrid said how our Geography professor talked about how someday technology will be so advanced that we will not have a teacher in front of the class teaching us but instead a visual imagine of a teacher.  I thought this idea seems way too futuristic and too advanced.  I think many problems could occur if we do not actually have teachers.  However, I could see how this idea would save money...but I do not think it is a good idea.

Reflection # 9

As I am babysitting, I am noticing how the 5 yer old I watch never wants to do anything but watch t.v.  I tell him it is time to go play outside, listen to music, read, play toys, etc it doesn't matter- he only likes to watch cartoons on t.v. If I turn off the t.v he get very made and throws a fit.  Kids spend way too much time watching t.v or on other forms of electronics.  Some people think this is good, but I think we are turning our children into zombies.

Reflection # 8

Yesterday in my Instructional Design class, one of my classmates was giving a presentation and somehow the power point was not displaying her slides.  People rely on technology for everything and when it does not work correctly, it is easy to freak out because it is all we know now days.  Luckily, my classmate had aback up plan and used her laptop to teach the lesson.  Otherwise, I do not know what she would have done since her lesson was so greatly based on the information from the power point slides.

Reflection # 7

My son who is 2.5 just recently started taking an interest to t.v.(even though I am not a fan of him watching tv)  He never really liked t.v much before until my parents started letting him watch it while I am at school.  He has only watched Mickey Mouse Clubhouse two times now but already he knows most of the intro song when it is first coming on. When we drive in the car together he has been singing the song.  This shows me how fast little kids learn and how attracted kids are to technology.  When I was my son's age I never watched t.v, so I am curious to see how technology will play into his life as he gets older.  

Week # 14

I found an article called "Why Integrate Technology into the Curriculum?: The Reasons Are Many." This article explained that overall education is valuable in the classroom.  It helps students learn better and it gives teacher unlimited options to teach. "Properly used, technology will help students acquire the skills they need to survive in a complex, highly technological knowledge-based economy."  Technology is an essential skill for all students to learn in order to be successful in this world.

Week # 13

Word- typing, spell check, tables and charts, bullets and numbered lists
Excel-Charts and rubrics
Power point-slideshow, pictures, different layouts with several types of backgrounds, uploading videos/pictures for slideshows

Three projects I could have my students do using Power Point, Excel and Word would be:

1. Make a power point about the life cycle of a animal, or plant using pictures and descriptions to teach classmates about the topic.

2. Have my students use excel to make a schedule of the books they have read over the month.

3. Type a two paragraph paper about why Microsoft Word is useful in learning.  

Week # 12

This article by Dr. Robert Marzano discussed issues related to technology and the Whiteboard. I found this article interesting because Dr. Marzano talks about how the reinforcement some teachers use when showing the correct answer such as clapping sounds, are actually more of a distraction than they are helpful.  Dr. Marzano said teachers need to explain to the students why the answer is correct, not just that the answer is right.

Week #11 Education Blog

This blog is very educational because Dane has many different topics on his blog including diversity, morality, class biases, feeling sorry for one's self.  His blog is very insightful to teachers since he does cover many different issues.  My comment contributed to community of learners because so many people forget that diversity is all around us and it is not an issue that we just accept.  It is a learned behavior that one must be taught. It is a very sensitive issue to some and we must never forget that we all different.  No two people are the same.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Week # 10

Taxonomy is known as the six levels of complexity.  The different level are known as stairs to the next level.  The highest level is the most creative way of thinking.  Bloom's Taxonomy can be related to technology because at first you may remember how to use it, then you can understand it's purpose, next you can apply it to your real life and start using it, then you can analyse different things using technology and then evaluate things, and finally you become creative with technology and can use it for almost anything.

The new terms are defined as:
  • Remembering: Retrieving, recognizing, and recalling relevant knowledge from long-term memory.
  • Understanding: Constructing meaning from oral, written, and graphic messages through interpreting, exemplifying, classifying, summarizing, inferring, comparing, and explaining.
  • Applying: Carrying out or using a procedure through executing, or implementing.
  • Analyzing: Breaking material into constituent parts, determining how the parts relate to one another and to an overall structure or purpose through differentiating, organizing, and attributing.
  • Evaluating: Making judgments based on criteria and standards through checking and critiquing.
  • Creating: Putting elements together to form a coherent or functional whole; reorganizing elements into a new pattern or structure through generating, planning, or producing.

Week # 9

After reading the article, Caught on Video, I realize that having technology in the classroom is very important.  I never realized how much a teacher could use technology in a classroom.  I liked the idea of recording a student and then referring to the video during student/ teacher conferences rather than trying to retell all the information to the parent. I also liked the idea about filming your own reflection on what happened during the day and emailing it to the parents.  I think this is something I would like to do as a teacher someday   That way the parents will feel more involved with what is going on inside of the classroom.